Beautiful scenery and good weather took our minds off the pretty steep hills.
Rockfish Gap Country Store, rest stop just before the climb up to the Blue
Ridge Parkway gets serious.
The fudge was good enough to attract locals and we met a handful of really
nice people in the parking lot.
Warning: requests to use their bathroom were met with a curt no.
One of the nicer electric poles I've seen recently.
Three fine residents of Afton, our stop for the day.
On the left is John and his cat Samantha. Samantha is a Hemingway Cat,
very talkative and with 24 toes. John has an antique shop just where you
turn right onto SR6 from 796.
On the right is June Curry, the legendary Cookie Lady. June's bike house has to be seen to be believed,
as does her genuine kindness. The bike house is covered with letters and
postcards from
the 11,000 (yes, eleven thousand) bikers and hikers who have stayed with
her over the last 26 years.